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First Aid and Medical Kits

From blisters to breaks and burns, if the worst happens we've got you covered.

Unsure what to take or can't find what you are looking for? Get in touch.

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Insect Repellent and Mosquito Nets

Mosquito nets and insect repellent are a essential accessory in countries where insect-borne diseases are common.

Not sure if you'll need it? Get in touch and we can advise.

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Water Purification and Hydration

Remaining hydrated is important wherever you are see our water bottle, mugs and thermos range.

For the wilder adventures, use water purification tablets to treat drinking water.

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Coming soon

Pre-travel Consultations


Medications and travel packs

the travel medic

Here at the travel medic, we have a passion for travel and want to help you enjoy your adventures as much as we enjoy ours.